On a self-guided tour of the National Rock Garden

Corner Barrenjoey and Lady Denman Drives, Canberra

As part of the 41st Canberra and Region Heritage Festival, we invite you on a free self-guided tour of the National Rock Garden.

CONNECT to Deep Time as you wander through the big rocks anytime on a self-guided tour of the National Rock Garden. Read the informative plaques on each specimen, and you will find that some are more than a billion years old. Touch a fossil and CONNECT with past lives of giant clams, trilobites and corals, the inhabitants of tropical reefs than once grew hundreds of millions of years ago in Canberra and inland Queensland. You can find more information about our big rocks on the Rock collection pages of our website.

Prefer a guide? Geologists will be on site, to guide you through the National Rock Garden’s display on Sunday 28 April from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, and again between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

Tours are free, no booking required.

Meet us at the garden, corner Barrenjoey and Lady Denman Drives, Canberra